Seminarios Artículos Vida Útil I – 2024-01/Ingeniería de Alimentos

Grupo 1
Camila Román
Joaquín Pérez
Sha Yang, Meng-Na Zhang, Chang-Song Shan, Zhi-Gang Chen, Evaluation of cooking performance, structural properties, storage stability and shelf life prediction of high-moisture wet starch noodles, Food Chemistry, 357, 2021,129744.

Grupo 2
Tamara Huenchuman
Victoria González
Sirawdink Fikreyesus Forsido, Eyuel Welelaw, Tefera Belachew, Oliver Hensel, Effects of storage temperature and packaging material on physico-chemical, microbial and sensory properties and shelf life of extruded composite baby food flour, Heliyon, 7(4), 2021, e06821

Grupo 3
Vania Castro
Benjamín Díaz
Muhammad Hayat Jaspal, Muawuz Ijaz, Hafiz Anwaar ul Haq, Muhammad Kashif Yar, Bilal Asghar, Adeel Manzoor, Iftikhar Hussain Badar, Sana Ullah, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Jibran Hussain, Effect of oregano essential oil or lactic acid treatments combined with air and modified atmosphere packaging on the quality and storage properties of chicken breast meat, LWT, 146, 2021, 111459

Grupo 4
Alexandra Santana
Ximena Huanqui
Semanur Yildiz, Prashant Raj Pokhrel, Sevcan Unluturk, Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas, Shelf life extension of strawberry juice by equivalent ultrasound, high pressure, and pulsed electric fields processes, Food Research International, 140, 2021, 110040.